How to impress a friend on her birthday: TOP-15 best ideas

Birthday is a special holiday with its unique atmosphere. Someone prefers a loud celebration in a restaurant with friends. Others — a quiet family dinner. Only one thing remains unchanged: the question of what to give a friend for her birthday.

The perfect gift is one that harmoniously combines aesthetics, comfort and benefits. Buying a Chinese souvenir or item that doesn't resonate with your friend's dreams and preferences is not the best solution. And it is difficult to guess with a surprise, if the birthday girl does not reveal secret desires.

When choosing a gift for a friend, it is important to combine all these criteria. So, it is better to present something practical and durable, rather than just a beautiful and cute little thing, even if it costs a lot of money. The question of the value of the gift is also important. An unfamiliar friend may not be happy to receive a very expensive gift. After choosing a surprise for the holiday, it is worth thinking about how to successfully design and present it. Maybe you should take care of a beautiful card or an additional gift wrap.

Giftmall offers to combine all this in one gift. It is enough to replace the usual stereotypical present with a certificate. It can be:

  1. Certificate for the purchase of goods or services. Hundreds of companies, online stores and offline stores offer their products and services to make the holiday of a loved one truly special.

  2. Certificate of emotions. Active rest, romantic dinner, massage or extreme adventures — impressions are remembered better than the usual gifts.

  3. Universal gift card Giftmall. If you do not want to limit a loved one, then give him access to a variety of gifts, activities and unforgettable experiences.


TOP 15 best gifts for a friend for her birthday

We know how hard it is to find the perfect gift. Therefore, we offer a list of 15 ideas for a gift for a friend that she will definitely like:

  1. Makeup.

  2. Perfumery.

  3. Jewelry.

  4. Wine or other alcohol.

  5. Delicious delicacies.

  6. Clothes and shoes.

  7. Underwear.

  8. Accessories (watch, hat, purse, etc.).

  9. Home goods and comfort.

  10. Electronics.

  11. Sports equipment.

  12. Books.

  13. Kits for creativity.

  14. Flowers.

  15. Kitchen utensils.

Each of these ideas can be implemented with the help of Giftmall. So let's gradually understand what you can give a friend for her birthday. Cosmetics have a tendency to run out quickly. A well-chosen perfume harmoniously complements the image. It is difficult to choose the right cosmetics and perfumes, because the choice depends on several parameters (skin type, the presence of allergic reactions, taste). So it is better to allow the friend to choose cosmetics and the aroma in one of the shops:

  • Brocard;


  • Aromateque;

  • Kiko Milano;

  • Hollyskin.

A good surprise for the anniversary will be a set of jewelry or an expensive and high-quality accessory. For example, a leather wallet, a watch, a silk scarf. Jewelry is also not easy to choose, because it is important to guess with the size and style. As with the design of the wallet or the width of the watch. So it's better to let a friend use the certificate and look into one of the stores:

  • SOVA;

  • Zarina;

  • Pandora;

  • Parfois;

  • The Wings;

  • Karmanbags.

You can make a cool gift for a friend if you buy something from clothes or pick up a set of underwear. To cope with this difficult task will help the certificate in:

  • Must Have;

  • LeBoutique;

  • Penti;

  • Pinko.

Celebrating a birthday with wine and goodies is the dream of every girl. May it come true with gifts from:

  • OKwine;

  • Sabotage;

  • YARO.

It's easier to find a gift for a friend's birthday if she has a certain hobby. A girl who loves to read can order a beautiful illustrated book. Active young women who take care of themselves will need a variety of electronic devices (pedometer, fitness bracelet), sports equipment. Those who like to change something in their home will love the new plants and decorations. It is impossible to know exactly what exactly a friend needs to implement a hobby. Let her look into one of the stores herself:

  • Yakaboo;

  • JYSK;

  • Orner;


  • Florium.

Ideas for original gifts for a friend

An original gift is one that stands out from other stereotypical gifts. For a friend, this is everything that has a beautiful look, a pleasant aroma and allows you to relax.

You can make an original gift for a friend with a massage certificate. Let her rest after a hard week of work. Also, no girl will deliberately refuse to go to a beautician or a beauty salon. A new manicure and pedicure, an updated hairstyle, a fresh look — you will definitely like such a surprise. In addition, it can be done on the eve of a birthday, so that at the very celebration a friend looks 100%.

Lovers of delicious cooking will need a certificate for a practical master class. A friend who is in search of inspiration and new experiences will love visiting the art studio. Dozens of different directions — hundreds of opportunities to reveal your personality in a new way. In addition, drawing or creating something with your own hands is also good psychotherapy.

If a friend has been planning to learn a new profession or gain certain practical skills for a long time, push her to the dream and consider ordering a certificate for the appropriate course.

Do not forget: no matter how old a woman is, they all love aesthetically attractive presents. Perhaps you should take care of good packaging for original gifts for a friend? Giftmall offers several options for bright boxes that will successfully complement a special present. Well, where without congratulations? Wishes in words are quickly forgotten. Let them stay on the holiday card. Ahead is a cute drawing, and behind is a handwritten congratulation. Do not forget to remember a few funny moments that will touch your friend.

Universal gift for a friend from Giftmall

Sometimes it seems that no idea for a gift to a friend suits and does not meet the qualities of her personality. Therefore, the idea immediately appears to give money, and then leave the choice to her. Only such a present has long been considered bad manners, because in this case she will simply spend them on household needs. Perhaps there will even be an erroneous impression that she is not respected enough as a friend, since they did not even bother with the choice of a gift. So give preference to the universal Giftmall card. With it, the birthday girl gets access to all the gifts presented on the site: from a new dress to a balloon flight. In addition, everything is very simple:

  1. It is enough to indicate the value of the Giftmall gift card. It varies from 200 to 50,000 UAH. So it will be possible to clearly fit into the planned budget, which you can’t do just by buying a cute gift in the store.

  2. Next is the certificate type. It may be plastic. Suitable if you need to give a present in person. The electronic certificate will be sent to the specified mail or to one of the messengers (Telegram, Viber). Also, the Giftmall universal gift card code can be sent in an SMS message. The last two options allow you to please your friend, even if she is on another continent.

If the birthday girl has chosen a gift that costs more than the face value of the certificate, she can pay the difference. If the amount is less, the rest can be used at the next purchase.

The Giftmall universal gift card is valid for 60 months. So a friend does not have to look for a gift right after her birthday. For example, she can order a photo shoot for another important event. Or register for an online course when you have free time.

Emotional gifts are the best choice for a friend

A material birthday gift for a friend is, of course, wonderful. But what are friends most valued for? For moments spent together. For impressions that fill and give strength to move forward. So if you don’t impress your friend with a watch or a new purse, let new emotions be a surprise.

Such a creative gift for a friend will definitely stand out among others. There are actually plenty of opportunities, as well as the emotions themselves. Among the most popular:

  • quest room;

  • balloon flight;

  • kart racing;

  • individual lessons on the climbing wall;

  • buggy drive;

  • arrival on ATVs or off-road vehicles;

  • yacht trip.

Quest rooms, for example, are only gaining popularity. A visit to one of them is a good option for celebrating a birthday. Gather a company of the bravest and smartest and go to meet the heroes from your favorite horror films (Saw) or detectives (Sherlock).

A hot air balloon ride is the perfect surprise. Admire incredible scenery, take some memorable Instagram photos, experience the best sunrise of your life — it can all be done in the sky.

If you want to present a gift to your friend in the style of Hollywood stars, choose a yacht rental service. Warm sun, gentle sea and a whole mountain of champagne — everyone dreams of such a party!

Now you don’t have to intercede for a long time what to give your friend for her birthday. Order one of the available certificates — and the best surprise in her life is guaranteed!

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